Sunday, December 27, 2009

(but deep)

I cower like a child behind I'msorry, (spilled juice) it wasn’t me screaming until 2 a.m. in an empty room, in an even emptier head, full of
unchecked ToDos and a blinking curser who mutters “I think”
therefore I feel too much and
take hyperheavy steps like an amateur human, racing to whatever end shakes my hand first
I’ll settle, later I’ll wish for sooner and learn that underneath anything isn’t understanding someone, missed somethings are just reminders of growing nothings, and words unwrapped are misshapen boxes, letters just extra crayons, outside the line acts of kindness are just as rare as unprompted creativity or raptors walking (not running) down main street.
I’ve turned automatically to the division of myself, evenly, forcing portions on street corners, stashing underneath windshield wipers
regifting free, which isn’t always desirable
taking hits, dragged but never touched
scared of things growing (inside) and dying (outside) and things that crawl (inside and outside),
jumping shadows of legs and eyes, I have no sympathy for the spider
as I plead for the courtesy to not be crushed beneath a bare hand on a even barer wall, hypocritical guts
walls covered with notes of beginnings, replaced by better beginnings with the same fate as the first, it’s all whatwasIthinking trash
that I hoard greedily, nests of papercut traps and my insides (never really outsides) smeared across notes and notebooks
always starting something, you can’t ever entirely finish with people
hate magnifies importance and indifference sloppily erases
the shallowest of footprints
which I hope I’m leaving everywhere (but deep).
The deeper I look into the time I waste and the time I will waste worrying
wasting brainless hours (not wasted and brainless) of subconscious ticking and surreal toil with a chattering mind and restless legs.
I’m still learning to walk.

Friday, November 20, 2009

ripping r.i.p

I know it is what you’re supposed to say
the a.u.t.o.m.a.t.i.c.
traditional turkey dinner elbow
reflex defense up
truth of the end that
you must never remember
and hide behind
commercialized thankfulness
for forgotten (but living) brutality.
I know it’s what you say,
a polite “I’m breathing and you’re not”
but I command you to be quiet about it,
an abridged cordiality
maintaining but keeping
a distance from the throbbing thing:
If you wave and shield your eyes,
maybe your words won’t follow,
or maybe they’ll latch and loom
and mimic
a silhouette of fleeing life
and puppet strings-
forward digression
driving toward
a point A
disguised as point B.


Good night shoes,
you’ve taken me as far as my ambition,
heels bleeding and laces wild and muddy,
I’m taking a break.
Goodbye voice,
you’ve ran too far today,
There is no retracting your steps,
I’ve interrupted you with hurdles of hoarse frustration
and hiccups of repressed sobs,
You’ve done beautifully-
but it’s time.
Good riddance hands,
you’re freckly and I hate you,
you grasp nothing and you permit everything important to
slither between your stubby fingers
(p.s. fingers, I hate you too).
Good-luck legs lifting the shell of what
used to be loftily above you,
slumped and mute to your choreographic
Good for you, eyes, blind to the destruction,
ignorant but not blissful-
forced to see ahead to what the rest will never reach.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

...and shine

And we’re sitting
A table, a newspaper, two mugs, some fruit,
closing and opening eyelids, blinding and revealing the obstacles
coffee stained breath and early aching everything-
silent separate songs
of crunching and anxious mumblings of today’s monotony,
which sounds suspiciously like yesterday’s
tapping your foot and shaking your head
like its all new just to keep
which can’t be easy
when your brightest moments
happen in the dark
and the more you live
the greater the danger of dying,
and you know nothing is alone
in the famed manyfish sea,
you know the perfect fit for your left hand
is the interlaced symmetry
of your right-
the bittersweet comfort
of knowing you are always with you and
knowing you are ALWAYS with you.
And tomorrow will be like today
whether or not you button your pants
or someone likes your face,
the difference,
what matters,
is today’s reason
why you abandoned a dream
and agreed to a nightmare.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Go Ask Alice

Mind blowing book. It is basically the love child of Catcher in the Rye and Perks of Being a Wallflower... from a girl's perspective...and it's a true story. Even though I was not expecting a happy ending, I sobbed at the ending...and I don't cry easily. Read it.(please)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dear sister

I had a dream you ended it
-found your way through the maze
of indecisiveness and
unjustified anger-
your first act of courage
but skating right in-line
with the introverted you
I know and fear.
Little me,
my first thoughts
weren't the whywhywhys,
no realization of the impossibility
of the terrible act to jolt me from it-
we share a face and name,
your bed was across the room from mine
you talked me into insomnia,
we laughed off hate
and ate ice cream with spoons on the kitchen floor-
but I'd die without knowing
what caused the hair in your fists
and the slamming doors.
In the dream, you took that too.

Friday, April 17, 2009